This film directed by Em Ford, the vlogger behind a YouTube account My Pale Skin, captures exactly what I feel about makeup.
Applying cosmetics is exactly a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't,' or 'haters gonna hate' case.
The video shows it so powerfully in a short time.
To think about it, the director didn't really do much except for animation effects to comments.
But authenticity and simplicity in the film is what makes this so brilliant.
And the ones who made such ignorant, bigoted, and hurting comments should be ashamed.
She's beautiful and full of life.
For myself, I do not like applying cosmetics, so I don't do that.
Most people around me asked why I won't at least once or twice, praising the magical power of the chemicals.
That's because I am too lazy to keep up all those facial paintings and mostly try not to give a jack about what others think whether I have something on my face or not.
I don't really feel any difference before and after the makeup anyway.
It's not like I get more praises, positive comments all around, or special treatments.
Also, I'd like to think I'm much more than a few drops of chemicals on my skin.
(Maybe I'm doing it all wrong, but who knows?)
People are not ugly because they do not have makeups.
It's because they act ugly, spreading their misery and hatred around.
So, I'd like to spend my money on gizmos and gadgets, which I love very much.
And if I'm going to be judged based on my appearance no matter what, at least I want to be judged while I'm comfortable, thanks.
I really love this :)
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